Spelling Week 6

1. coral
2. eucalyptus
3. adult
4. medicinal
5. rainforest
6. camouflage
7. harmony
8. island
9. paradise
10. pattern
11. contrast
12. balance
13. Lake Tabourie
14. crystal
15. vivid
16. bright
17. space
18. useful
19. they
20. koala

Traditional Aboriginal houses

In History and Th@t Space, 3 Dhaawarri have been learning about traditional Aboriginal houses and what they look like. They have researched the common materials that were used to make these houses and have cleverly made their own with a partner. Please enjoy looking around the classroom at the student’s wonderful work.

ab 1

ab 2

ab 3

ab 4

ab 5

ab 6

ab 7

ab 8

ab 9

ab 10

ab 11

ab 12

ab 13

Hand made tree

This is our special ‘hand made tree’ that 3 Dhaawarri and Miss Hall have made together. In Personal Development and Heath/Bounce Back, we have been learning about friendliness, inclusion and wellbeing. This tree symbolises our class’s inclusion and togetherness as one. Each student created their own unique pattern and design on their handprint which all look fantastic!


Close the gap photo competition

At Sanctuary Point Public School, one way to celebrate Close the Gap Day is to ask each of the classes to participate in a photo challenge. Each grade/stage has been given a keyword that links in with the ethos behind the national Close the Gap campaign. Each picture will get sent to Oxfam to use along with also being displayed around the school during the whole school assembly during Welcome Week.

Our stage had the keyword ‘decade’. We decided to make a timeline from the past ten years listing one important event from each year – so from 2007 to 2016. The students then had one of their hands painted and were able to put their hand prints around the timeline. Miss Hall then took a photo of the timeline and our hands which has turned out to be a very powerful and fantastic photo which we believe has nailed the brief!


Ancient land and traditions



22In History, 3 dhaawarri have been researching and working on the topic of ‘Community and Remembrance” in particular,’Ancient Land and Traditions’. After researching and learning about Aboriginal symbols and what they mean and are used for, we have created our own artworks, which include a story being told through the use of Aboriginal symbols. We have chosen to only use the colours in the Aboriginal flag, which include black, yellow and red. Each colour has a significant meaning – black represents the Aboriginal people of Australia, yellow represents the sun in the flag, the fiver of life and protector and the red represents the red earth and red ochre used in ceremonies.

“We’re all in the same boat!” – How 3 dhaawarri can be kind and support one another


2This term in 3 dhaawarri we have been looking at the core values in Bounce Back – a wellbeing and resilience program. These include honesty, fairness, responsibility, support, cooperation, respect, accepting differences and friendliness and inclusion. We ensure each day to try our best to follow these core values both at school and at home. This program links in well with this terms personal development and health (PDH) topic of ‘growth and development’. The students have each written a way or two to be kind and to support one another which are shown in the speech bubbles in the boat.